Pinnacle – $1,000,000 and above

Tom Archer, University of Virginia ’87

Tom & Cyndy Cycyota, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ’77

Tim Gentry, University of Missouri ’81

John Jenkins, University of Virginia, ’84

Patrick Jessee, Purdue University ’01

Erik Johannesen,San Diego State University ’78

Jim Larson, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo ’72

Bruce Loewenberg, University of Missouri ’58

Loren Mall, Kansas State University ’58

Hensel McKee, University of Washington ’30†

Ken Riley, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ’85

Tom Rogers, Eastern Michigan University ’60

Tom Roeser, Purdue University ’70

Jim Unger, University of Missouri ’67


Founder’s – $500,000 – $999,999

Ron Bloom, University of Missouri ’64

Ted Desch, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ’49†

Chris & Michelle Edmonds, University of Alabama at Birmingham ’88

Dick Handshaw, Alfred University ’68

Grant McCloud, Millikin University ’93

Jack Moore, University of Houston ’72


Gordian Knot – $250,000 – $499,999

Justin Baldwin, San Jose State University ’64

Nicholas Baum, Missouri University of Science & Technology ’09

John Boma, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ’80

Ed Clements, San Jose State University ’49

Tom Decker, University of Missouri ’69

Chuck Finklea, Barton College ’74

Jon Gundlach, Oglethorpe University ’87

Dave Harvey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ’88

Mike Hoffman, Arizona State University ’85

Allen James, North Carolina State University ’65

Gary Kalian, The University of California, Berkeley ’58

Louie Ripberger, Purdue University ’74

William Shepherd, University of Alabama ’34

Tony Smercina, The University of Texas at Austin ’81

Greg Speno, University of Missouri ’65

Scott Wiley, State University of New York at Oswego ’97

Ken Willard, Purdue University ’90

Gil Williamson, San Jose State University ’58


Lamp – $100,000 – $249,999

Rolfe Allen, University of Maryland, College Park ’34

Gene Blanchard, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ’50

Brian Brooks, University of Missouri ’64

Roger Carroll, University of Virginia ’80

Don Chandler, The University of Texas at Austin ’73

Chris Cronin, University of Detroit Mercy ’84

Don Daniel, Saint Louis University ’92

Lee Dueringer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ’60

Allen Fore, Eureka College ’86

Charlie Gilbert, Georgia Institute of Technology ’59

Mike Griffin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ’86

Austin Hastings, Cal State-Fresno ’91

Jon Hockman, The Ohio State University ’87

Dennis Howland, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, ’59

Donald Hunt, Iowa State University of Science & Technology ’28

John Jenkins, University of Virginia ’84

Mark Johnson, San Diego State University ’83

Barry Kalian, California State University, Sacramento ’85

Dan Kitrell, St. Cloud State University ’80

Robert Koch, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh ’67

Ken Kramer, University of Detroit Mercy ’58

Larry Lundberg, San Jose State University ’66

James McGinty, Auburn University ’44

Chris Northern, The University of Texas at Austin ’77

Jerry O’Brien, Purdue University ’59

Brian Patrick, University of North Texas ’68

Mike Petrik, Eastern Illinois University ’76

Cornel Raab, Purdue University ’66

Gus Ramirez, Georgia Institute of Technology ’66

Russ Shaw, The Ohio State University ’59

Phil Smallwood, Georgia Institute of Technology ’59

Bud Tishkowski, Hillsdale College ’57

Moe Trebuchon, Georgia Institute of Technology ’83


Lute – $25,000 – $99,999

Charles Anderson, Georgia Institute of Technology ’82

Fred Arnold, Michigan State University ’38

Brian Ashby, University of Virginia ’84

Sean Austin, Georgia Institute of Technology ’83

Dave Bahlmann, Hillsdale College ’58

Donald Baker, Montana State University ’63

Steve Banfield, Transylvania University ’87

Bob Banning, University of Missouri ’57

Joe Bertolino, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania ’94

Roy Bliss, Arizona State University ’62

Frank Boyle, Michigan State University ’48

Jim Braeutigam, The University of Texas at Austin ’59

Allan Brandt, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ’64

Jeff Burrows, University of Missouri ’76

Jim Butler, Missouri University of Science & Technology ’62

Jim Carpenter, Georgia Institute of Technology ’61

Dan Carroll, Georgia Institute of Technology ’81

Joseph Caubo, Georgia Institute of Technology ’03

Landon Christy, University of Louisiana at Monroe ’00

Kevin Cole, High Point University ’89

Dave Collins, Western Michigan University ’65

Marshall Cox, The University of California, Los Angeles ’56

Steve Cunningham, University of Missouri ’70

Bob Dathe, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo ’58

Mark Davis, University of Missouri ’97

Harry Davis, Georgia Institute of Technology ’60

Jason DeKeuster, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire ’95

Fred Dellett, Kansas State University ’56

Azeem Dhalla, California State University, San Bernardino ’91

Jack Droste, Missouri University of Science & Technology ’81

Mike Duke, Georgia Institute of Technology ’68

David Eason, Colorado State University ’91

Doug Eroh, The Pennsylvania State University ’93

Howard Etling, University of Missouri ’32

Don Falk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ’49

Larry Farrow, Georgia Institute of Technology ’62

Tim Forrester, Michigan State University ’88

Shawn Fowler, Georgia Institute of Technology ’84

Jim Gay, University of Missouri ’01

Rod Gould, Eureka College ’84

Jim Greener, Arizona State University ’62

Neal Griesenauer, Missouri University of Science & Technology ’58

Jim Haleem, Western Illinois University ’66

Morris Heintschel, The University of Texas at Austin ’70

Don Heppermann, University of Missouri ’63

Brad Heutmaker, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh ’93

Stan Hill, Georgia Institute of Technology ’02

Chris Hill, University of North Texas ’78

Frank Hoke, University of Missouri ’30

Ken Hollender, Georgia Institute of Technology ’80

Tom Howard, The University of Texas at Austin ’66

Carl Howard, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ’87

Harry Hufford, The University of California, Los Angeles ’50

JD Ingraham, Georgia Institute of Technology ’08

Don Jennison, Kansas State University ’55

Divyesh Jevtani, Illinois State University ’01

Christopher Kellenbarger, Kansas State ’10

Don Keltner, University of Southern California ’51

Bob Kennel, North Carolina State University ’57

Scott Kimpel, The University of Texas at Austin ’93

Mark Kipp, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology ’80

Steve Kleinschmidt, University of Missouri ’77

Jim Knoll, San Jose State University ’83

Jon Krause, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo ’82

Charles Kubin, The University of Texas at Austin ’52

Walt Kurczewski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ’62

Skip Leutzinger, University of Missouri ’68

Andrew Lovejoy, Georgia Institute of Technology ’92

Jason Lutz, Bowling Green State University ’01

Kevin Lynn, The Pennsylvania State University ’92

Ramsey Mankarious, Michigan State University ’87

Marc Mathews, Transylvania University ’77

Dave McCarthy, The University of California, Los Angeles ’81

John McDonald, Purdue University ’70

Graham McFarlane, Georgia Institute of Technology ’66

Richard McLellan, Michigan State University ’61

Stan McLemore, University of Alabama at Birmingham ’84

Josh Merchant, Albion College ’93

Peter Minderman, Georgia Institute of Technology ’76

Roger Mola, Purdue University ’71

Jonathan Monfort, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo ’82

Orlando Montesino, The University of Texas at Austin ’72

Mike Morris, Eastern Michigan University ’65

James Mumford, Wingate University ’92

Bill Murray, The University of Texas at Austin ’51

Tom Parks, University of Missouri ’66

Randy Peterson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte ’93

John Prange, Millikin University ’58

Jim Rath, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh ’71

Ron Reed, Western Illinois University ’68

Glenn Reeves, University of Alabama ’80

Mike Renfro, The University of Texas at Austin ’79

Bill Reynolds, Georgia Institute of Technology ’60

Ed Rodriguez, The University of Texas at Austin ’86

Russell Roebuck, Barton College ’58

Bob Rojka, San Jose State University ’49

Edward Runser, Edinboro University ’72

Bill Sandidge, Georgia Institute of Technology ’76

Duane Saunders, Kansas State University ’58

Tom Seto, Purdue University ’05

Dennis Sheehan, University of Maryland, College Park ’53

Mike Silvaggi, University of Detroit Mercy ’81

Herb Sims, Oregon State University ’66

Hank Stricker, University of Michigan ’48

Brad Sullivan, Transylvania University ’99

Bill Tilghman, Barton College ’84

John Ting, The University of California, Berkeley ’67

Eric Token, University of Missouri ’83

Kyle Turner, University of North Texas ’03

Gene Vance, Transylvania University ’85

Meeks Vaughan, Georgia Institute of Technology ’76

Brian Vincent, University of Maryland, College Park ’00

Harry Vogts, University of Wisconsin-Madison ’29

Eric Wagner, The Ohio State University ’62

Bert Watts, Georgia Institute of Technology ’68

Nathan Wight, Illinois State University ’97

Roger Willis, Purdue University ’68

Mike Wims, University of North Texas ’65

Allan Winter, University of Colorado Boulder ’55

Bill Yates, Grand Valley State University ’97

*1899 Society Lifetime Giving Totals as of July 27, 2020

† Denotes Brother or individual who has entered the Bond Eternal