Updated 9.8.17
In as many weeks, a second historic hurricane will soon impact the southeast. Irma is set to make landfall early the morning of September 10, at Florida’s southern and southeast coasts. Irma has already caused catastrophic damage throughout the Caribbean region. Many Floridians are in the process of evacuating, while a large swath of the remainder of the south also makes preparations. Our own chapters – Alpha Chi at Stetson, Iota Epsilon at the University of Central Florida, Florida International University, and Theta Omega at Georgia Southern are doing what they can to get away from the path of the storm of otherwise prepare for this extreme weather.
As we continue to learn more, and share updates such as those from J.T. Thompson below, we invite Delta Sigs to use the hashtags #DSPHarvey and #DSPIrma to connect with one another, share resources or needs, and otherwise stay connected with one another throughout these storms and their aftermath. Additionally, we are sharing this info sheet from the American Red Cross on how to stay safe during the hurricane and aftermath.
Updated 8.31.17
Today, we’re sharing an update from J.T. Thompson, University of Alabama at Birmingham ’96, who lives in the Houston Metro area. We want you to hear from a fellow Delta Sig brother.
Dear brothers,
I am reaching out to you as someone who went through the recent tropical system that moved through the Houston Metro area. I wanted to provide you with a personal perspective of what has transpired. I also want to encourage you to get involved, either through financial contributions or hands-on volunteering.
As you know, the city of Houston was devastated by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey, which flooded the city with over 9 TRILLION gallons of water in a 48-72 hour period. A city, which covers over 2,200 sq miles was almost completely flooded. To put it into perspective, this area received enough water in that time period to fill the Great Salt Lake twice!
As of Tuesday night, 15,000 people were in shelters; more than 13,000 had to be rescued; and 18 people lost their lives. I had a chance to see the devastation that the flooding caused as I went out to see who needed help. Places as close as three miles from me were destroyed by the flood waters.
My family and I were lucky. We were spared the flooding, but I will tell you that it came extremely close. The flood control ravine that sits roughly 50 yards from my house came within a foot of cresting. Had it done so, we would have had water all throughout our house. Sunday evening was one of little sleep and angst as we watched the rising water and moved items to our second floor. Now, the sun is out, and hope begins. We as a city will rebuild. However, we can’t do this alone. Our fraternity has always been willing to step up when called upon. Forever repaying the debt to both our organization, our members, and our communities.
Now is that time. I ask each of you to dig down and find whatever you can donate to help those who have lost everything. If you would rather donate to local organizations, I have provided the HQ that will posted on social media. Every little bit helps!
Thank you in advance for your help!
J.T. Thompson, University of Alabama at Birmingham ’96
Continue Below to See How to Help

J.T. has included a list of organizations in the region that are providing aid to those impacted by this disaster. You can view that list here. Delta Sig has multiple chapters in Texas, undergraduate and alumni brothers and their family members in and from this region. The Red Cross has upgraded their need for assistance in the region as Urgent, and we encourage all members to help. Alternatively, you may also click this link to donate directly to the Red Cross, you can even choose to have your donation go specifically to Hurricane Harvey assistance. You may notice this link is a Delta Sigma Phi affiliate link – this is solely to track the number and value of donations from our members; we do not receive any compensation for donations made through our link.
Updated 8.28.17
As you have seen in the news, the Gulf Coast of Texas and parts of Louisiana were hit by Hurricane Harvey – a Category 4 storm. With storm surges upwards of 6-8 feet, the initial hurricane was already life threatening. But as the storm has stalled over the region, the people of southeast Texas are facing a week of torrential rain that is predicted to bring in upwards of 36 inches in some areas. This is still a dangerous situation, many thousands have been evacuated, and by the time this event is over, millions will be affected. In Huston, experts are suggesting this may be the worst flood experienced in their city’s recorded history.
In 2005, at the height of recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina, Delta Sigma Phi named the American Red Cross as its national philanthropy. Chapters maintain close relationships with local Red Cross operations to create awareness, donate blood, and raise much needed funds for the organization. Our men take pride in having the courage to get involved, taking action to make an impact, and pursuing excellence in service to their communities.
Delta Sig has multiple chapters in Texas, with undergraduate and alumni brothers from this region, and their family members. The Red Cross has upgraded their need for assistance in the region as Urgent, and we encourage all members to help. You can click this link to donate directly to the Red Cross, you can even choose to have your donation go specifically to Hurricane Harvey assistance. You may notice this link is a Delta Sigma Phi affiliate link – this is solely to track the number and value of donations from our members; we do not receive any compensation for donations made through our link.
We urge you to help today. From our Delta Sigma Phi brothers in the region to all those who have been affected, we wish you Godspeed in the days ahead and during the long recovery process as you weather the storm.