Celebrate Delta Sigma Phi's Quasquicentennial:

125 Years of Brotherhood and Tradition

Join the Celebration of 125 Years of Delta Sigma Phi!

As we commemorate 125 years of Culture, Harmony, and Friendship, we’re bringing together brothers from every corner of the country to honor our shared legacy. Whether you’re a current member or an alumnus, this is your opportunity to reconnect, celebrate, and create new memories with the brotherhood.

Explore our coast-to-coast calendar of events, where you’ll find gatherings hosted by chapters and alumni groups nationwide. Don’t see an event in your area? We want to hear from you! Let us know if you’re hosting an event so we can add it to the celebration and ensure every brother has the chance to be part of this historic milestone.

DateGroupEventFor More Information
October 6Gannon / Gamma Rho ChapterAlumni Anniversary Lunch & House Tour
October 18-19UW-Oshkosh / Epsilon Beta60th-Anniversary Celebration @ Homecominghttps://deltasig.org/uw-oshkosh-epsilon-beta-to-celebrate-60th-anniversary/
October 22Cincinnati-Area AlumniTQL Tour & 125th-Anniversary Alumni Receptionhttps://deltasig.formstack.com/forms/foundation_events
November 1-3Western Carolina / Delta Omicron125th-Anniversary Celebration @ Homecoming
November 7Chicagoland Alumni Association Annual Alumni Gathering @ Erie Cafehttps://deltasig.formstack.com/forms/chicago24
November 14Boise-Area Alumni125th Anniversary Celebration @ The Stonehousehttps://deltasig.formstack.com/forms/foundation_events
November 22Hilgard Alumni125th Anniversary Dinner
December 3HQ and Indy-Area MembersHQ 125th Founders Day Celebrationhttps://deltasig.formstack.com/forms/foundation_events
December 5Portland-Area Alumni125th Anniversary Celebration @ the McMenamins Kennedy Schoolhttps://deltasig.formstack.com/forms/portland_125
December 6San Jose State / Gamma EpsilonAnnual Christmas Dinner
December 7DA3 (Detroit Alumni Association)125th Founders Day Dinner @ Brew Detroit
December 7Denver-Area Alumni Association125th-Anniversary Celebration
December 8Salt Lake City-Area Alumni 125th-Anniversary Luncheon & Utah's 10th Anniversary Celebration
December 9La Crosse-Area Alumni125-th Anniversary Dinner
December 9St. Louis Alumni Association125th Celebration Dinner @ Hacienda Mexican RestaurantEmail Greg Speno yitbos_greg_speno@sbcglobal.net
December 10Dallas-Fort Worth-Area Brothers125th Anniversary Celebration @ the Community Beer Companyhttps://deltasig.formstack.com/forms/dallas_125
December 13Charlotte-Area Brothers125th Founders Day Lunch @ the Palm Restaurant
April 11-12Kansas State / Alpha Upsilon100th-Anniversary Celebration
April 25-26Idaho /Gamma Iota75th-Anniversary Celebration
July 24-26Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity125th-Anniversary Convention in Denver